Organization chart

The Institut national du patrimoine has two educational departments, one responsible for training heritage curators and the other for training heritage conservators-restorers. The general secretariat is responsible for the management, communication and administrative coordination of the institution and oversees its international policy.

Accueil Inp élèves
Les élèves conservateurs en cours - Photo : INP

Diploma in heritage curation

Each year, the Institut national du p atrimoine offers international heritage professionals the opportunity to apply to join the training

Accueil formation continue


La créatrice de vitraux Flavie Vincent-Petit - Photo : DR

PhD by the project

At doctoral level, the Institut national du patrimoine is a member of the EUR Humanités, Création et Patrimoine, which is

Accueil Chercheur


Le laboratoire - Photo : Chloé Bernard / INP

The research laboratory

The Laboratory of the department of conservators-restorers is a research unit recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education and reporting