The management is responsible for devising the Institut national du patrimoine's educational and academic policy, ensuring it is implemented and maintaining the smooth running of the institution. It submits its proposals to the Academic Advisory Board to obtain its opinion, and to the Board of Directors, which approves the broad guidelines and budgetary choices.
In addition to the Director, the management team comprises the two Directors of Studies responsible for the teaching departments and a General Secretary.

Charles Personnaz has been Director of the Institut national du patrimoine since April 2019.
A graduate of the Sorbonne and the École Nationale d'Administration (Leopold Senghor class), he worked in the cultural and heritage field at the Ministry of the Armed Forces and then at the Ministry of Culture. He was director of the association for the future foundation of the Maison de l'Histoire de France and then external reporter to the Court of Auditors. In 2019, he was appointed Director of the Institut national du patrimoine. He is the author of several books, the most recent of which, "Sauver la rue de Valois?", was published in 2017 by the éditions Emmanuel Lemieux.
The President of the French Republic assigned him a mission to strengthen France's action for the heritage of the Middle East and the network of schools of the Christian community. In 2018, he was appointed President of the Schools of the Orient by the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Since September 2022, Séverine Blenner-Michel has been Director of Studies in the Department of Curators, in charge of programming and academic publications.
Séverine Blenner-Michel is a palaeographer-archivistm a graduate of the Ecole des Chartes, a former member of the École Française de Rome, has a doctorate in contemporary history and has the title of Conservatrice en Chef du Patrimoine [senior heritage curator]. She lectured at the University of Paris Sorbonne from 2000 to 2003 and then at the University of Picardie Jules Verne, where she directed the Masters in Archives and Applied Technologies from 2006, and at the École Nationale des Chartes, where she was head of the continuing education department from 2010 to 2013. From 2015 to 2020, she held the positions of Head of Collections and Head of Collections Management and Communication at the Diplomatic Archives. She joined the Institute in July 2020 as Deputy Director of Studies, in charge of initial training for heritage curators and the Prépa Talents preparatory class.

Olivier Zeder, Conservateur general du Patrimoine [senior heritage curator], has been Director of Studies for the Department of Conservators-Restorers since July 2015.
He was assistant curator at the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Arras from 1992 to 1994 and then curator of the 15th to early 19th century collections at the Musée Fabre in Montpellier from 1994 to 2015. He has curated exhibitions and written catalogues and articles on Dutch and Flemish paintings and on French art.

Sophie Seyer was appointed Secretary General of the Institut in July 2010.
After studying German at university, she joined the Regional Institute of Administration of Metz in 1986. Sophie Seyer is a senior civil servant and joined the Institut in 2001.