The library

With more than 70,000 references at their disposal, researchers can consult 30,000 literary works, 35,000 articles, 500 periodical titles, 2,000 disser-tations or theses, and 5,000 documentary files produced by the workshops thus making the Inp library a reference in Europe in the field of heritage conservation. 

Located in Aubervilliers, it welcomes students, professionals and researchers. Its collections reflect the teaching provided: theoretical (art history, history and ethics of conservation), technical, scien-tific (properties of materials, methodology, tools and products of conservation), practical (preventive and curative conservation, aesthetic measures).    

The library also holds the documentation produced on works entrusted to the department for study or restoration: restoration and work-school reports, photographic documentation, final dissertations by student restorers. 

The library holds the archives of Gilberte Emile-Mâle, a leading figure in heritage restoration in France. 

Informations pratiques

The library welcomes all members of the public, and external visitors by appointment by writing to : @email

Opening times: Monday, 2pm to 6pm and Tuesday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.
The library is closed between Christmas and New Year's Day and for the first two weeks of August.
Exceptional closures are announced on the library catalogue.

Conditions de prêt : Le prêt est réservé aux élèves, enseignants et personnels de l’Inp, ainsi qu’aux étudiants de l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne du Master professionnel « Conservation-restauration des biens culturels », du Master recherche « Patrimoine et Conservation-Restauration » et de la licence « Préservation des biens culturels».


Elève au travail - Photo : Chloé Bernard / INP

Documentation of works

The library holds the documentation produced on the works entrusted to the department for study or restoration: restoration and work-school

Accueil Inp élèves
Les élèves conservateurs en cours - Photo : INP

Diploma in heritage curation

Each year, the Institut national du p atrimoine offers international heritage professionals the opportunity to apply to join the training

Accueil formation continue


La créatrice de vitraux Flavie Vincent-Petit - Photo : DR

PhD by the project

At doctoral level, the Institut national du patrimoine is a member of the EUR Humanités, Création et Patrimoine, which is

Accueil Chercheur


Le laboratoire - Photo : Chloé Bernard / INP

The research laboratory

The Laboratory of the department of conservators-restorers is a research unit recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education and reporting